If you’ve got a well-behaved dog, then it’s possible that you’ve been tempted to walk him off-leash before. Your dog loves it, and you feel like there’s really no reason to use that pesky leash anymore so what could possibly go wrong?
A lot, as it turns out. Here are seven big reasons why you should always keep your dog on a leash:
Convinced yet that you should always leash your dog? If not, think about it this way: even if your dog is the most well-behaved little dude in the whole world, do you really want to take that chance and put his life in jeopardy if he happens to act out of the ordinary?
Photo courtesy of Cesar's Way.
A lot, as it turns out. Here are seven big reasons why you should always keep your dog on a leash:
- Other Dogs - This one is at the top of the list for a reason. It’s easy to get sucked into the mindset that your well-behaved, friendly dog couldn’t possibly get into trouble with other dogs, but think about it this way: what if your curious furry friend just wants to say hi to a dog you pass on the street? There’s always a chance that the other dog isn’t so friendly, which might in turn frighten your dog and ignite a scuffle. You definitely don’t want that!
- Other People - It’s hard to believe, but some people in this world just don’t like dogs. We know, it’s strange and we don’t get it, but that’s just how it is. In order to be courteous to others, it’s best to keep Rover on a leash to avoid contact with those who are either afraid of or allergic to dogs.
- Little Kids - Little kids might be even less trustworthy than other dogs. Look at it this way: they aren’t on leashes (usually), they might have inept parents, and they like to run at cute fluffy things in front of them while shrieking at an ear-splitting pitch. All of these things can spell disaster if you have an off-leash dog who doesn’t like being startled or having things come running straight at him.
- Poisonous Substances - Any dog parent knows all too well that dogs (especially puppies) love to put unidentified foreign objects into their mouths. Even your well-behaved dog isn’t immune to picking up that delicious-looking pizza crust off the ground. If your dog is off leash, it’s a lot harder to reel him in when he sprints toward that tempting morsel on the ground in front of you. There are many human foods that are poisonous to dogs, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry! (Scroll down to see a list of things that are toxic to dogs.)
- Car Accidents - Your dog might know to avoid cars at all costs, but quite frankly, sometimes drivers are stupid. For example, someone backing out of their driveway may not see your little fluffy pal, or a driver could swerve and hit you while you’re walking on the sidewalk.
- Wildlife - If you’re someone who likes to take your doggo on fun adventures to the great outdoors, it’s especially important to keep him leashed up. After all, you can’t predict how he’s going to react if he sees a moose, or how that moose will react, for that matter…
- Accidental Breeding - If your dog isn’t spayed or neutered for whatever reason, then encounters with other dogs on the street could cause some...unwanted consequences. This should really just be a big fat duh, but to avoid this situation, get your dog fixed and have him on a leash to avoid unwanted puppies.
Convinced yet that you should always leash your dog? If not, think about it this way: even if your dog is the most well-behaved little dude in the whole world, do you really want to take that chance and put his life in jeopardy if he happens to act out of the ordinary?
Photo courtesy of Cesar's Way.